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Neurodermatitis is a common type of eczema. It is also known as lichen simplex chronicus. Neurodermatitis occurs when the skin becomes inflamed in response to repeated scratching or rubbing. This can lead to a cycle of itch-scratch-itch that can be difficult to break. Neurodermatitis typically begins with an itchy patch of skin. The itch can be mild or severe. It is often worse at night or when you are stressed.

As you scratch or rub the itch, it becomes irritated and inflamed. The skin may become thickened and leathery. You may develop bumps, crusts, or scales on your skin. The affected area may be any size and can spread quickly. Neurodermatitis most commonly affects the arms, legs, back of the neck, or buttocks.


Symptoms of neurodermatitis

The most common symptom of neurodermatitis is chronic itching or scaling of the skin. This can be a debilitating condition that leads to scratching, which can further irritate the skin and lead to more itching.

​​Other symptoms may include:

  • Small bumps on the outer edges of the affected area
  • Large bumps that may ooze clear fluid or crust over
  • Dry, cracked skin
  • Bleeding
  • Raw, sensitive skin
  • Secondary bacterial infections


​​Causes of neurodermatitis

There is no one definitive cause of neurodermatitis. However, the condition may be linked to several factors, including:

  1. Dry skin: When skin is dry, it is more prone to irritation and inflammation. This can lead to the development of neurodermatitis.
  2. Certain medical conditions: Neurodermatitis has been associated with certain medical conditions, including psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and thyroid problems.
  3. Stress: Stress can trigger the itch-scratch cycle, which can lead to neurodermatitis.
  4. Hormonal changes: Hormonal changes, such as those that occur during pregnancy or menopause, can also contribute to the development of neurodermatitis.
  5. Exposure to irritants: Exposure to certain chemicals or other irritants can cause the skin to become irritated and lead to neurodermatitis.
  6. Injury to the skin: Injury to the skin, such as from a cut or scrape, can also trigger neurodermatitis.​


​Treatment for Neurodermatitis

There is no cure for neurodermatitis but there are several treatments that can help to relieve symptoms and improve the quality of life. One popular treatment option is ayurvedic cream. Ayurvedic cream is a natural treatment that is made from a variety of herbs and other ingredients. The exact composition of ayurvedic cream varies depending on the manufacturer, but common ingredients include Castor Seeds, Kakmachi, and Kokum seeds. Ayurvedic cream can be applied to the affected area several times per day, and many people find that it provides significant relief from itching and irritation.


​Living with Neurodermatitis

Here are some tips on how to live with neurodermatitis:

Keep your skin hydrated. Moisturize regularly, using an emollient or oil-based moisturizer. This will help to soothe your skin and prevent further irritation.

Apply a natural cream or herbs to the affected area. This can help to reduce inflammation and itching.

Take an antihistamine medication if your skin is particularly itchy.

Avoid triggering factors such as stress, harsh detergents, and certain fabrics. If you can identify what triggers your neurodermatitis, you can try to avoid these things to help keep your symptoms under control.

Keep your nails short and clean. scratching can worsen neurodermatitis, so it’s important to keep your nails trimmed and clean to minimize the temptation to scratch.

Wear loose-fitting, soft clothing. Tight or rough clothing can irritate your skin and make neurodermatitis worse.

Practice stress-relieving techniques such as yoga or meditation. Stress can worsen neurodermatitis, so finding ways to relax can be helpful.



Neurodermatitis is a chronic, inflammatory skin condition that can be very itchy and uncomfortable. There is no cure for neurodermatitis but there are several treatments that can help to relieve symptoms and improve the quality of life. Ayurvedic cream is one popular treatment option that can provide significant relief from itching and irritation.


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