Razor Bumps

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Razor bumps, also called pseudofolliculitis barbae, are small, red, pus-filled bumps that may form on the skin after shaving. They can be treated with a variety of methods, including topical treatments and antibiotics. In some cases, laser therapy may be necessary to remove the bumps completely. Understanding how to prevent razor bumps is important for anyone who shaves regularly. Simple steps such as using a good quality razor and shaving in the direction of hair growth can help reduce the chances of developing razor bumps.


What are Razor Bumps?    

Razor bumps, also called ingrown hairs, are caused when the hair shaft becomes trapped below the surface of the skin. This may occur when a hair is cut too close to the skin or when it curves back on itself and re-enters the skin. The bump is a red, irritated area around the hair follicle.


Causes of Razor Bumps  

Razor bumps can also be caused by shaving too close to the skin. If you shave too close, you can cut the hair at an angle that makes it more likely to grow back into the skin. Another cause of razor bumps is dry shaving. When you dry shave, it can irritate the hair follicles and make them more likely to become ingrown. Finally, razor bumps can be caused by using too much pressure when shaving. If you press too hard, you can cause the hair to get caught under the skin.

Razor bumps are small, irritated bumps that appear after shaving. They can be caused by several things, including:

  • Using a dull razor.   
  • Shaving too closely.   
  • Shaving against the grain of your hair.  
  • Dry shaving.  
  • Using dirty razors. 
  • Not using enough lubrication while shaving.


Symptoms of razor Bumps

Razor bumps are a common skin irritation that occurs after shaving. The medical term for razor bumps is pseudofolliculitis barbae. Razor bumps can occur on any area of the body that is shaved, but they are most common on the face, neck, and bikini line. Razor bumps are usually small, red, and itchy. They can also be painful. In some cases, razor bumps can lead to scarring.

The symptoms of razor bumps include:

  • Red, raised bumps on the skin.
  • Itching or burning sensation on the affected area.
  • Swelling around the hair follicles.
  • Tenderness in the affected area.
  • Formation of pus-filled bumps in some cases.

Razor bumps can be unsightly and uncomfortable. If left untreated, they can also lead to infection. Therefore, it is important to take care of the razor bumps as soon as possible. Several home remedies can help reduce the symptoms of razor bumps.


Treatment of Razor Bumps

They can be treated with a variety of methods, including:

  • Warm compress: Applying a warm compress to the affected area can help to soothe the skin and reduce inflammation.
  • Topical treatments: Several over-the-counter topical treatments can be effective in treating razor bumps. These include corticosteroid creams, antihistamines, and aloe vera gel.
  • Proper shaving technique: Making sure to shave in the direction of hair growth and using a sharp razor can help to prevent razor bumps from occurring.
  • Home remedies: Some home remedies that may help to treat razor bumps include applying a mixture of baking soda and water to the affected area or using tea tree oil.
  • Ayurveda:   In Ayurveda, the treatment for Razor Bumps is done using herbal extracts and oils which have shown very promising results in various studies which help improve the quality of life of the users substantially. Users can look at these alternative which don't have any major side effects or adverse impact on user like the long term steroid use may have. Our 100% natural herbal products for Razor Bumps is available at this link.

If razor bumps are severe or do not respond to home treatment, it is important to see a doctor or dermatologist for further treatment.


Prevention of Razor Bumps

  • Wash the area to be shaved with mild soap and water. This will help to remove any oils or dirt that could clog your pores and lead to razor bumps.
  • Apply a thin layer of shaving cream, gel, or lotion before shaving. This will help to protect your skin and reduce friction.
  • Use a sharp razor blade. A dull blade can irritate and make it more difficult to get a close shave.
  • Shave in the direction of hair growth. Shaving against the grain can increase the risk of razor bumps.
  • Rinse off after shaving and apply a soothing moisturizer to help calm the skin.

If you are prone to razor bumps, there are some things that you can do to help prevent them. Following these tips can help you to get a smooth, bump-free shave every time.



Razor bumps are small, irritated bumps that can occur after shaving. They are caused by several things, including using a dull razor or shaving too closely. Razor bumps can be unsightly and uncomfortable. Several home remedies and treatments can help to reduce the symptoms of razor bumps. Prevention is the best way to avoid razor bumps. Following some simple tips can help you to get a smooth, bump-free shave every time.


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