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What is Pustular Psoriasis?
Pustular psoriasis is a rare and severe form of psoriasis that can cause widespread, pus-filled blisters on the skin. The blisters can break open and leave raw, sore patches on the skin. Pustular psoriasis often affects the hands and feet, but can also occur in other parts of the body. Treatment for pustular psoriasis typically involves topical or natural creams to clear the blisters and relieve symptoms.

Types of Pustular Psoriasis
Palmoplantar pustulosis (PPP): This type of pustular psoriasis appears on the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. It is the most common type of pustular psoriasis and is more likely to occur in people who have a history of psoriasis.
Acropustulosis: This type of pustular psoriasis appears on the fingers or toes. It is more common in children than adults and often clears up without treatment.
Generalized or Von Zumbusch: This is the most severe form of pustular psoriasis and can cover large areas of the body. It is often accompanied by fever, chills, and fatigue. This type of pustular psoriasis can be life-threatening and requires immediate medical treatment.
The main symptom of pustular psoriasis is the development of pustules. Pustules are small, white bumps filled with pus that can appear on any part of your body, but most commonly form on the hands and feet.
Other symptoms of pustular psoriasis include:
- Red, inflamed skin
- Itching
- Burning sensation
- Painful blisters
- Flaking skin
- fever
- chills
- fatigue
- joint pain
Causes and Triggers
The exact cause of pustular psoriasis is unknown, but it is thought to be related to an overactive immune system. There are several triggers that can cause an outbreak of pustular psoriasis, including:
- Stress: Emotional or physical stress can trigger an outbreak of pustular psoriasis.
- Skin injury: Any type of skin injury, such as a cut, scrape, or sunburn can trigger an outbreak.
- Medications: Certain medications, such as corticosteroids and lithium, can trigger an outbreak of pustular psoriasis.
- Infections: Bacterial or viral infections can trigger an outbreak of pustular psoriasis.
- Pregnancy: Pregnancy can trigger an outbreak of pustular psoriasis.
- Hormonal changes: Fluctuations in hormone levels can trigger an outbreak of pustular psoriasis.
There is no cure for pustular psoriasis, but there are treatments that can help to manage the symptoms and prevent flare-ups. One such treatment is ayurvedic cream. Ayurvedic cream is made from natural ingredients, such as Castor Seeds, Kakmachi, and Kokum seeds. which have anti-inflammatory properties. The cream can be applied to the affected areas to help soothe the skin and reduce redness. In addition, ayurvedic cream can be used on a daily basis to help prevent further outbreaks of pustular psoriasis. If you are looking for an effective and natural way to treat your pustular psoriasis, ayurvedic cream is a great option.
Tips for Living with Pustular psoriasis
Here are some tips to help you cope:
- Keep your skin clean and well-moisturized: This will help reduce the risk of infection and keep your skin from becoming too dry and cracked.
- Avoid triggers that can worsen your symptoms: These triggers can include stress, certain medications, and exposure to cold weather or dry air.
- Stay active and eat a healthy diet: Exercise can help reduce stress and improve your overall well-being. Eating a healthy diet will also help you maintain a healthy weight, which can reduce the amount of stress on your skin.
- Seek support from family and friends: Talking to others who understand what you’re going through can be a huge help. You may also want to consider joining a support group for people with pustular psoriasis.
Pustular psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that can be difficult to manage. However, there are a number of treatments that can help to improve the skin's condition and alleviate symptoms. Treatment options include topical treatments and natural remedies.